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In India, everyone likes Gold. Indians are looking for easy and simple way to accumulate Gold. This post to Buy Gold with One Rupee , Jar App. Jar App is like a digital Piggy Bank. It detects your expenses from the SMS folder in your mobile phone and Rounds it off to the nearest 10 to generate a spare change ...

Recently RBI published on article on Indians investment pattern. The pattern shows that 48% select life insurance and PF as their investment instrument. This article to give you detailed analysis on life insurance and how it keeps Indians poor for decades. There another research published from RBI on inflation that highlights “The annual retail inflation rate rose 6.30% year-on-year in ...

When buying a term insurance policy, you aim to secure the future of your wife and children in your absence. You want that the claim amount reaches them quickly and without any hassles. Simply buying a term insurance policy alone will not inevitably ensure that your beneficial nominees can get the sum assured after your demise. There is way to ...

Why Teachers and Professors become rich ? Teaching professionals allows them to understand power of compounding, dividing logic in the investment, top stocks in the market and impact of expense ratio in long term. This the reason most of teaching professionals invest in index mutual funds for long term wealth creation. Power of Compounding Index funds Long term Low Expense ...