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ITR is a tax return form used by taxpayers to report their income and assets to the Indian Income Tax Department (Indian Revenue Authorities). It has details related to the taxpayers’ personal and financial data. ITR is essentially a type of self-declaration by the taxpayer of their income, assets and applicable taxes paid in the assessment year. It needs to ...

Index funds are best investment instrument and it provides returns align with market returns. Index funds are passively managed funds with low expense ratio. It simplifies the selection of funds to invest in large set of available funds in the market. Most of the time investors choose to invest only in Nifty 50, Nifty Next 50 funds. But there are ...

The Great warren Buffet always supports the index funds. He said “I have [a few] very short lessons for perhaps the new investors”. Buffett warned against investing in individual stocks, as “I do not think the average person can pick stocks. Many companies were in blue-chip earlier, now reached their blue-chip status. So picking the right stock is complex for ...

Nest egg On Dec 28, 2021 mint published the past return of different investment assets. It gives us why we should diversify our investment in different assets based on market conditions. Investing equity is important in long term wealth creation. But diversifying the investment in different assets would reduce risks and help in liquidity in case of emergency. This blog ...