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Getting salary or earning money is not worth if you do not invest or save the money.   Invested money is real money earned. Investment provides real value for your salary.  There is no reason to delay the investment.  Investment can be started with 500 rupees monthly in mutual fund SIP.  Do not look for best time to start your investment.  ...

Association of mutual funds published that Indian Mutual Funds have currently about 2.52 crore (25.2 million) SIP accounts through which investors regularly invest in Indian Mutual Fund schemes.  Mutual funds industry is growing rapidly in india.  People realized the mutual fund investment provides best return in long term compare to other saving investment. Understanding mutual funds is simple and easy. ...

Many of new investors  think that to invest in mutual funds demat account is required.  But that is not reality.  To start invest in mutual fund, just PAN card is sufficient.  PAN card and address proof is sufficient to open mutual fund account.  There is more than 20 online platform to invest in mutual funds schemes,  empowers investors to upload ...

Have a list of new year resolution to achieve in 2019. Resolution should be short and realistic. All the new year resolution should be SMART. The acronym SMART has several slightly different variations, which can be used to provide a more comprehensive definition of resolution: S – specific, significant, stretching M – measurable, meaningful, motivational A – agreed upon, attainable, ...