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SIPs are Systematic Investment Plans where money is deducted from your bank account and invested automatically.  With an SIP, you’re able to purchase fund units at different levels of the market. To start invest in mutual funds in SIP, open saving account in one of the bank, get cheque book for the account and internet banking for the account.  To ...

No savings yet..  Mutual funds investment is best and right for you now. Mutual funds provide option to start monthly investment by SIP. Investor can invest 100 rupees per month in mutual funds. Reliance introduces mutual funds with monthly 100 rupees.”This move is aimed at helping more and more people access the benefits of mutual funds while reducing the entry ...

Association of mutual funds published that Indian Mutual Funds have currently about 2.52 crore (25.2 million) SIP accounts through which investors regularly invest in Indian Mutual Fund schemes.  Mutual funds industry is growing rapidly in india.  People realized the mutual fund investment provides best return in long term compare to other saving investment. Understanding mutual funds is simple and easy. ...