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In India, everyone likes Gold. Indians are looking for easy and simple way to accumulate Gold. This post to Buy Gold with One Rupee , Jar App. Jar App is like a digital Piggy Bank. It detects your expenses from the SMS folder in your mobile phone and Rounds it off to the nearest 10 to generate a spare change ...

To become rich, diversification is more important. Investment should be in stocks, mutual funds, real estate and gold. You should have 20% to 40% of your investment in gold. Gold is considered as best safest investment in India. Gold is considered as investment, usable ornaments and emergency funds. Keep the emergency funds in gold and you can pledge the gold ...

“You should never be satisfied with a little if you are capable of using and enjoying more.” Investment is allow money to grow. In simple term, keep money to work for you. Now we are earning money and always think about make money. But earning an income only by getting job and work. It is limited and we can’t work ...

Gold is a precious high-value metal that is liquid in nature. Buying gold is good investment in india.  Every year, Gold consumption increases in india.  Gold price increases day-by-day in india.  Gold is investment and usable property.  Like buying a home, it is dual purpose of investments and utilization. Gold investment can be start with minimum 20,000 rupees.  Gold investment ...