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Swiggy announced that Samosa is top snack ordered in India. Samosa can range from 8 rupees to 50 rupees. One samosa has 250 calories,. Eating a samosa takes just 5 min. But to burn 250 calories, you have to walk 8KM or you have swim for 30 min or cycling for 25 min. One samosa can disturb you whole day ...

Investment is very simple and it is portrayed as complex product such as stocks, mutual funds, insurance, ETF, term insurance and many others. To most of the us, the simple financial life works. It is simple and easy on “How to become rich formula”. The simple financial life is,all you need to have is: 1 Nifty Index funds/ETF and 1 ...

In India, more than 5000 company stocks listed in the Nifty and Sensex. We can select the stocks and start investing to build long term wealth. Selecting a particular stocks require expertise and it risk involves as it invests in only one stock. There is an another option to diversify our investment in the stock market, ETF. An ETF is ...

In India, more than 7000 companies listed for trading. We can buy each stock based on our investment goals. Buying a stock requires expertise and analysis of the market. To simplify and understand the market, an index is a method to track the performance of a group of stocks in a standardized way. Indexes typically measure the performance of a ...