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If your monthly salary is more than 30,000, you have to pay income tax based on your salary. You can save money on tax by proper planning of section 80C. Income tax 80C allows deduction of 1.5 lakhs from your salary. It would save 10,000 tax on your salary as well as it would encourage you for investment. In India, ...

Buying home is a dream for Indians. Owning a house considered as a social status or as investment in India. But buying home without considering important factors would impact your financial position and personal finance heavily.  Recent times bank gives maximum 85% to 90% of home property value as loan. Don’t fall into financial trap by taking home loan. In ...

Debt mutual funds invest in bonds of companies who need funds for business as a loan or invest in securities issued by the Government.  Debt MF’s return predetermined interest rate which the mutual fund earns and then passes on to the investors either through dividends or by way of growth in the value of the investment. Debt mutual funds is ...

In India,  we have to pay tax for profits and other earnings such as house rent or gain on stocks.  The same applicable for mutual funds as well.   We have to pay tax for mutual fund earnings.  In this post, we would discuss on tax on mutual funds earning and how to minimize that by investing in mutual funds for ...